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Episode Studies by Clayton Barr


Indiana Jones: The Mountains of Superstition Indiana Jones
"The Mountains of Superstition"
Comic strip
The Young Telegraph (October 6 - December 22, 1990)
Welsh Publishing Group
Writer: Simon Jowett
Penciler: Phil Gascoine
Letterer: Elitta Fell

On a campout in the Arizona desert, Indy and members of his Boy Scout troop discover a haunted cave system in the nearby mountains.


Notes from the Indiana Jones chronology


This story takes place 1913 Arizona.  


Didja Know?


In 1990-1991, The Young Telegraph weekend supplement to the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph published three comic strip storylines of the adventures of young Indiana Jones. "The Mountains of Superstition" was published in twelve parts from October 6 - December 22, 1990 and was the only original story created for the strip. It was followed by comic strip adaptations of the Young Indiana Jones novels Young Indiana Jones and the Plantation Treasure and Young Indiana Jones and the Princess of Peril (see PopApostle's studies of those two novels for notes on those comic strips).


The first six installments of the story are titled "Young Indiana Jones and the Mountains of Superstition", but the final six installments are "Young Indiana Jones in the Mountains of Superstition".


Notes from The Lost Journal of Indiana Jones


The Lost Journal of Indiana Jones is a 2008 publication that purports to be Indy's journal as seen throughout The Young Indiana Chronicles and the big screen Indiana Jones movies. The publication is also annotated with notes from a functionary of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of the Russian Federation, the successor agency of the Soviet Union's KGB. The FSB relieved Indy of his journal in 1957 during the events of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The notations imply the journal was released to other governments by the FSB in the early 21st Century. However, some bookend segments of The Young Indiana Chronicles depict Old Indy still in possession of the journal in 1992. The discrepancy has never been resolved. 


The journal as published skips over this time in Indy's life. In fact, it goes from August 5, 1912 to March 9, 1916...a period of about 3.5 years! Are we to believe that Indy made no journal entries that entire time? Perhaps the entries were excised by the Russians for some reason when it was in their possession? 


Characters appearing or mentioned in this story



Indiana Jones




Jacob Waltz (mentioned only)

Pietr Deveer


Didja Notice?


The Superstition Mountains Indy and his Boy Scout troop find themselves in is an actual mountain range in deserts of Arizona. Ketts describes hearing legends of the range being "haunted or possessed or something" according to local Indians and of an old prospector named Jacob Waltz who discovered a gold seam in a mine he later sealed up. These are actual legends of the area. Apache legends say that a hole leading to the lower world (hell) lies in the mountains. Jacob Waltz (1810-1891) was an actual German prospector who lived in the area and was said to have dug a mine in which he found a gold seam but never revealed its location, leading to the famous American legend of the Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine.


Carter says his father is an anthropologist.


In the seventh installment of the strip, Pietr Deveer breaks Indy's whip into two pieces. So, perhaps the whip we see him use in later adventures is not his original! On the other hand, it is possible to repair a whip broken in two, though difficult. Maybe Indy was able to find a professional to do it.


In the middle of the first installment of the strip, it has just turned night and Indy and his friends make camp in a cave when they hear the howl of Deveer and go to investigate. Little time passes from this point onward, yet in the ninth installment of the strip it is suddenly daylight again!


Unanswered Questions


What is the mysterious box the boys found in the caves? How did the Native American tribe that painted the warning mural about it get a hold of it in the first place? Why does the mirror in its lid have such a transformative effect on Deveer? What became of Deveer after this story?


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